Well the funniest thing happened today, I had money in my paypal account, it's been there all night and I've still managed to not spend it, though of course inwardly I have spent it several times, I had a problem when I saw the prima milk crates and nearly gave in and again when I took a second look at the gorgeous Winnies Walls collection from SEI but for now I have pulled myself back, I'm really going to wait till I have a tidy sum and it's rainy and miserable and then spend the lot. I did promise Iain a new Playstation controller on account of the cat eating it, darn cat why can't she just eat upholstery like normal felines?! She does love a nice biscuit as well, if you dare to dunk one she can smell it from fifty paces, she'll leap upgrab the dunked biscuit in mid air and before you know it all your staring at is the undunked bit at the end, you know the bit you couldn't dunk for fear your fingers would become one large blister?!
Right then , must be off, important things to do (NOT!!) must go and update the music player with some new selections, or atleast Jiggle them around a little and maybe get rid of Barry manilow! I have gone off him lately, he's just looking a bit old and plastic.
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