Yesterday I had the absolute delight and pleasure of photographing Heather and Joels wedding, these two people are a match made in the heavens and a most amazing and inspiring couple.

Heather chose to marry in a simple dress and a shetland wedding shawl, I think she looked simply beautiful.

Heather chose a bouquet of crocuses and daffodils

Looking out over the city from the
Hilton hotel from where we departed. We walked to the cathedral passing many of the citys great landmarks along the way.

I'd never photographed a wedding where everything was done on foot and I have to say that I loved the walking.

Crossing the millenium bridge.

The beautful bridesmaids.

Joel receiving some last minute words from best man Lucy.

I love this one with Heather and her bridesmaids as the service was commencing.

Getting down to the serious business of marraige with Robert the wonderful Canon of the cathedral.

Did I mention they had a choir?
At one point the head of the choir sang in Hebrew, it was an amazing moment and Joel clearly felt the emotion, I think this next photograph is beautiful.

So up until now you may not have grasped the size of the cathedral, well here's a shot I got from the back just before the end of the service.

At the end Joel and Heather lead everyone into the East Chapel for champagne and canapes

This was followed by the speeches which were introduced as a 3 minute concept.

Here's another of my favourite moments from yesterday.

OOh Confetti and kisses

at the end of the afternoon we all walked from the Cathedral up to the
Northern Stage for the meal.
On the way we stopped for lots of photographs, my favourite were when Joel who had donned a sparkly purple cap danced with Heather spontaneously

This kind of thing doesn't happen often

We also stopped at Starbucks

and then off we went to the university gardens for some portraits.

I love this one

Oh and this one too!!

Joel and Heather, you are an extraordinary couple, I can't thank you enough for letting me part of your special day. Enjoy the Dominican Republic and I'll see you for your viewing in a couple of weeks.