Well good evening, another charlton-tastic adventure of a day today!
Off we went to Jedburgh a small town just over the scottish border, yes we country hopped all in the space of a day!
Anyway we got to the Jed forest Deer park to find that they didn't even open till Friday but the peeps were so nice that they said we could look around, all free of charge, Wahey saved ourselves £12 and saw lots of baby animals all of which were super friendly and muchly cute.
After that we made our way inot Jedburgh itself and had some yummy refreshments at the Edinburgh Woolen Mill and then had a pleasant afternoon exploring the charity shops and basically doing nothing, just walking and having fun!
Got home around an hour ago to find my email box bursting and enough stuff to keep me catching up for a week, may have to stay home tommorrow to try and get caught up.
Headache is still trying to finish me off but I am putting up a good fight!

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