I did this layout this afternoon in an effort to calm myself down from all the stress which is affecting me badly at the moment, being banished by your family just because you stand up for yourself is never easy but it's been happening to me for 32 years every time i've tried to make my own decisions, I know of course now that it's all about power, abuse and brainwashing, doesn't make it easy though when it's your own mother who is at the head of it. Anyway not wanting to dwell too much, liking this layout of Lovely Looby having autumnal fun. Thank God for my husband and my wonderful childen and my gorgeous group of totally supportive friends, I give thanks every day for that.
Beautiful layout, and the colours are really nice. Hope it helped calm you, ugh some family eh!!!!!
The layout is sweet :)
I know what it's like to be 'banished' by family. My husband's family hate me and have pretty much decided I don't exist. All because I once said in a meme on my blog that I find my father in law intimidating. nice!
People can be so stupid.
Love your new template Mandy, especially the wee doggy with the sad face, so cute! Hang in there just remember its your family who are losing out not you!
ooh and anonoymous was me Mandy -DOH! Jacqui
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