Both my children are lucky enough to possess the sort of faces which go well with hats, I think it possibly comes from their daddy who also loves to adorn headwear any chance he can.
There's not a shopping trip goes by without one of them spying hats they love. Then there's me, I have possibly the only face not to go with hats, I adore hats too but sadly look mostly rediculous in them! Ah well atleast I get to see the children wear them!
As you have probably guessed I haven't a lot to blog about today, I worked on my website again earlier as I had some feedback so I changed it a little including putting my own smiley face on the About page!! I really truly hope that something comes of it.
I've actually been scrapping myself this afternoon but I'm so low on adhesive I had to use oogy sticky glue! EEuuuwwwww. I'll try and take a photo later so I can share!
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