If you look hard enough you can find it almost anywhere, take the subject of this photograph, it's nothing special, or is it?
When I look at it now as it is the following words spring to mind :-
Beauty, desolation, alone, natural, wreckage.
I don't know what these wooden pillars were, I don't know why they were just left there to be washed away, eroded and destroyed gradually by the sea but today I feel something similar.
Sometimes life isn't everything you dreamt it would be when you were 5, there's certainly a lack of castles, dragons and fair maidens (or is there???) I'm just in one of those phases where re-assessment is neccessary, there are so many changes imminent but I'm still not there. Today has been a tough day, lets hope tommorrow isn't so bad.
In conclusion I just want to wish my hubby a happy 31st birthday and say that on balance I hope that when we look back at our lives in our golden years that we'll still be together and there will have been more laughs than there were tears, more good times than there were hard times and more happy silences than there were loud shouts.
Love the photo, very atmospheric. the wooden poles are the remains of a breakwater.
Hope tomorrow is better than today. The castles, dragons, fair maidens and knights in shining armour are a bit like the beauty. There if you look hard enough. If they weren't I'd go totally mad.
Big hugs
Olwen xx
loved all of the photos. Shared many of the sentiments...
hope the therapy helps and does no harm.
work more on your feelings, less on the past... x
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