It is, it's really blinkin hot today which is not good when you are a lady of my persuasion!! I'm sitting here practically melting. I also noted that the Rowan tree still has most of it's leaves where as this time a year ago it was almost naked by now!!
So anyway after the usual weekly therapy which i have to say made me feel better today we went off to the park, more playing with my camera, a lot of which I have to say was reasonably awful, I don't think the BIPP are going to let me have full membership quite yet!!
I did quite like this photograph though, Looby as per usual looks a bit of a sweety but I have to say that she was not in the mood to be a model today, she and her daddy make great models, sadly they also have the temprament of them.
talking of hubby, he's applied to be a postman, it's a job he used to do and enjoyed so lets hope he gets the job. i have to say that things have been a little stressful of late and it's not easy watching someone you love so much being so very unhappy, lets hope that this is the thing he needs to be happier. He's also off to Footy again tonight and I swear if they don't sign him, I'm off to have a word with his manager, he's done so much, given up smoking, runs to footy and back and then does training in the middle, plays extra footy on a Sunday, give the guy a break, he's a million more times dedicated than i could be, i love him so much and hope that both getting signed and getting a job will give him the self worth he seems to need right now, i could give him a little of mine which I found (under the sofa or the bed I don't remember) but i'm not sure he would accept!
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