This was one of my favourite presents from Paul, it's a jangly bracelet which I adore, it's very very me!
Abigail got her very first digital camera and so far she seems to love it, she's been taking loads of photos and of course as a photographer I'm a very proud mum. Looby also got a photography themed present, a Barbie "I can be a baby photographer" playset, I'm thinking she'll be wanting a camera before too long as well.
Iain is in very few photos as he spent the day hiding in his bedroom watching his plethora of new DVD's and playing with his really cool trainset.
I did have one attempt at getting a lovely sisters photo but Looby wasn't playing at all and refused to smile.
Abigail also had her usual traditional Christmas huff as you can see here :-
Just to prove it, check out last years Christmas strop here.
Well my Christmas tree is dead and I'm already wanting to dispose of it, I think I might persuade hubby to throw it out tommorrow and then just keep the festive bits around until the new year, I think we'll need the space when the children get back from Grandmas with all their gifts.
I'm off now for a lie down, don't you find this time of year can tire out the most sprightly of people?!!!
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