Firstly big Happy Easters all round, we don't really celebrate Easter atleast not in a commercial sense, we did though go out for a day of fun filled family enjoyment in the lovely Lake District, thats an Oustanding Area of beauty in the north west of England just incase anyone not in the UK is looking in.
So we started off at Aira falls which is just next to Ullswater, we thought we would park in the National Trust Carpark as it's free for members, only to realise at the last moment that Paul hadn't brought his wallet with the membership card in, so we had to pay £3 for 2 hours of parking, we had a long walk and the veiw from the top of trail was just amazing as you can see. Bernie the bear I'm sure would have loved the veiw but sadly he was keeping watch over the car, Abigail it seemed was far more interested in bringing along Fiyero and walking him instead, we did show Bernie all the photos when we got back to the car though. Actually I must mention another travelling bear who has his own blog Where is the Bear has just been set up for children in a particular class and whoever takes the bear home will I think update the blog with piccies of his travels, why not go along and see what he's been up to over easter. I would love to know of any other travelling bears who have blogs or adventures, if you know of any do let me know in the comments section and I'll pop along and have a look.

If you want to see one of my favourite images of the day you'll have to pop over to my photoblog for an awesome veiw.
Also can I just say that my hubby has a photoblog all done with his little cameraphone, he doesn't claim to be a great photographer but he does have his own individual take on life, love, work and everything. I think he did a pretty good job of capturing todays image so why not go over and leave a comment, he loves them and it makes him feel valued! LOL
Well thats it for me for another busy day, Bank Holiday Monday tommorrow and we're off to the Ouseburn Valley to go to an Easter family fun day, complete with chicks and lambs. Abigail is already very very excited!!
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