After the noise, fun and chaos of Nethermined last weekend, this weekend has been a whole different story, it's been the first weekend in ages where I haven't worked and it took me about 30 minutes yesterday to have that feeling of thumb twiddling and boredom that I get.
Whilst I think I'm much better at having a work/life balance than I used to be I have to admit that I'm not a fan of not working. I think maybe it has something to do with the fact that to me photography and writing are so much more than just a job to me.
I was thrilled this week to find out I'd been nominated in the photography category of the Mad Blog Awards 2015, think the Oscars but related to blogging and you're somewhere near to what winning one would mean to me. I've blogged now for nearing 10 years and to be rewarded for something I just adore doing would mean the world. The first stage is about getting as many nominations as possible with a view to making the shortlist so if you're reading this and could spare a moment to nominate me that would make my day/month/year. I've won awards but this one is the one I want to win, I get nervous just thinking about it, it seems those butterflies that live deep within the tummy surface and flutter around my tummy every time I think of the possibilities.
Speaking of blogging and writing, I've had an idea, I don't want to say too much at the moment because I haven't fully worked out the details yet but I think I might have found away to combine my photography and telling stories with the way that I write, I adore photos but I love the stories that go along with them, that's pretty much the way we can accurately preserve history, I guess I've always done that on a personal level with Scrapbooking but if this idea comes to fruition I could see couples not only going away with photographs from the most special day of their lives so far but also some beautiful words which would preserve history forever.
In the photography sense of the word this week has been a welcomed lull before the madness of summer commences, I've always found that April and the beginning of May heralded a quiet time, possibly due to the bank holidays and unpredictable weather we always get but before long we'll be experiencing long summer days with photography moving to mornings or evenings and late afternoon to avoid the harsh midday sun and take advantage of the yummy soft sunshine you get when you shoot earlier or later in the day.
I think sometimes it's always easy to see when spring starts to dawn but spring into summer is a much less noticeable seasonal change, sometimes it sneaks in so softly you barely notice it and then one day you wake up and there it is, summer is waiting for you, long days, bare feet and shoulders, the switching off of the central heating, the de-cloaking of the winter woolens and overcoats and for me at least the longing to be beside the sea every day. I adore the beach but in summer being near to the water as often as possible is almost an inner calling. I guess I'm lucky to live so near to the beautiful Northumbrian coastline and I try to get there as often as possible for away days, weekends and holidays. There's simply nowhere else like Alnmouth beach in the summer, the warm breezes and sheltered coves make it the destination everyone seems to rush to but it bustles with such a gentle pace, charming children and happy puppies make it my favourite place on earth. Let me also tell you that I went there for my Birthday day out in February when it was still the most beautiful place on earth but colder than the actual North Pole with a keen wind that cut right through us! I recommend Alnmouth in spring, summer and early autumn and then I want to hide by the fire during winter!
Almouth Beach in summer, there's nowhere I would rather be.
If you are holding events during summer or you would like to speak to me about travel photography please get in touch via my Website/Facebook or Email
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