Being lucky enough to live and work as a Newcastle Photographer in this beautiful city is a wonderful thing indeed, Newcastle is one of the most beautiful cities, especially in the sunshine, there is layer upon layer of amazing architecture from the oldest to the newest buildings, even those 1960's flats seem to add to the amazing landscape we have, and it's best seen from up high and that's really the fundamental thing about my Uk Cityscapes project, I enjoy getting on the river or getting up high to get proper layered cityscapes, I've set out to make them look like paintings or like those bright tourist and industry campaigns of the 60's/70' inviting us to come and holiday in the north or the future is bright why not base your business here and I believe that every city has at least one amazing view, I can't wait to find out really, now I've checked off both Newcastle and Liverpool from my list I feel like I know where this project is going even though it is pretty early days. This week I have had a gallery and an online store present their contracts to sell my work, it's a very exciting time. I am currently seeking some kind of sponsorship so I can go and photograph every city in Britain, I think it's going to end up making an amazing book and there's really never been a project like it. However it happens and even if I have to fund every single city on my own I will do it, even if it might end up taking a few years!
I think having the very wonderful and super light Fuji X-Pro 1 was the instrument which helped unleash my creativity and set me free from hiking up hills, mountains and lots of old steps with bags of heavy camera gear, it's an amazing thing to use a camera which is so light and has an amazing dynamic range so that you can produce this kind of image.
I think these images are quite special and I hope you do to, some but not all of them are available as limited edition signed art prints and canvases in my Etsy store Philomena's Boutique currently and I'll let you know about the Gallery and Online store as soon as those details are finalised. But for now lets enjoy Newcastle from above, my wonderful home city never looked quite so glorious!.jpg)
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