If you haven't noticed it's chilly outside, the days are getting shorter and the leaves are starting to fall from the trees, it's also a lot sunnier than it's been all summer so lets at least celebrate autumn. I'm lucky because it's the perfect time for autumnal photo shoots, I love it when the kids can get out doors in places like Saltwell Park, Jesmond Dene, Tynemouth Longsands and Leazes Park, all of those places are looking gloriously autumnal at the moment! I love that kids turn up in knitted wooly hats, cosy bright coloured coats and snazzy wellies, I think this is my favourite time of year for photography, the colour, the light, everything is perfect and with this in mind I am getting out of the studio quite a lot for some autumnal mini sessions, so here's the deal, it's £20 for a 30 minute shoot and you even get a complimentary 7x5 of your favourite shot plus a 30 day web gallery and 15% all the prices for the first 7 days your gallery is live, I currently have availabilty on some weekdays and even one or two weekends and it's not just the kids who look great in autumn, it's also the perfect time for a couples shoot, the light is mostly yummy and it's perfect for skin tones! The best thing of all is that you can get a head start on your Christmas shopping, I've never known anyone not love a present of photographs for Christimas, mums, grannies and aunties everywhere love to see their nephews/nieces/children/grandchildren in photos so don't wait until December when the weather is quite frankly rubbish, do it now, this week and next week autumn will be at it's peak and the weather is looking fabulous, this week I'll be able to book people in for 30 minute mini shoots on Tuesday at Saltwell Park, Thursday down at Tynemouth Longsands, Friday pretty much anywhere in the North East of England, Saturday at Jesmond Dene and Sunday I'm back at Saltwell Park again, fancy somewhere different where you know it's going to be creatively colourful or autumnally inspiring? Get in touch, I don't really mind where I shoot as long as I can get out there anf photograph the people of the north, here's just a few shots from the last week and if these gorgeous photographs don't convince you to do it well then you're a big old meanie!!.jpg)
So, how do you go about booking a 30 minute autumnal mini session? well you can either call me on 07918 121838, email me at mandy@mandycharltonphotography.com or you can click through to my website portrait photographer newcastle and fill out the contact form, you can also contact me through Facebook or Twitter
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